Mambo Beach BLVD Rules
Entrance to the BLVD, Beach and Parking lot is at own risk.
BLVD assumes no liability whatsoever for any physical or material damage sustained during the visit to BLVD, usage of the beach and / or parking facilities.
Visitors under the age of 18 years must be accompanied by an adult (18 years and older) or be in the possession of a BLVD visitor’s card (Contact Service Desk for conditions to obtaining a BLVD visitor’s card).
Visitors will obey the written rules and signs and follow instructions of the BLVD staff and Security.
BLVD and Security have the right - at their sole discretion - to deny access to the BLVD, parking facilities and / or Beach and request already present visitors to immediately leave the premises.
Usage of Beach and beach facilities is subject to entrance fee and applicable rules.
No lifeguard on duty
Pets and bicycles (or other similar) are not permitted on the BLVD and / or Beach.
Drugs and weapons are strictly forbidden.
It’s not allowed to bring own foods and/or drinks to the BLVD and Beach.
Visitors are not allowed in the service areas.
Appropriate behavior is required at all times; fighting, shouting, harassment or littering will not be tolerated.